How do I add course content on Moodle?


To add content on Moodle, you need to turn the editing mode on by toggling the switch on the top right corner of the screen. In editing mode, you will be able to add content by selecting Add an activity or resource at the bottom of each section of your course.

Resources are items that you can use to support learning, such as files, folders, links, or other options available on Moodle.

Activities represent the interactive part of Moodle, and they encourage the participation of the students. Usually, an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with other students and or the teacher, such as a quiz, an assignment, and the likes.

Depending on the type of content you need to add, you will select the appropriate option from the menu. Further instructions are available at the links below.

IMPORTANT: please, bear in mind that uploaded materials need be copyright compliant. Make sure to check the information linked below.

  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2024
  • Views 208
  • Answered By Manlio Perugini

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