I cannot upload my video/presentation on Moodle because it is too big and it takes a lot of time. What can I do?
Directly uploading videos, especially of such size, is not the best course of action. Usually, we suggest faculty and student uploading videos onto a cloud drive (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) or a streaming service (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) and then sharing the link. Students and faculty can use their JCU OneDrive space.
Instructions for access and sharing are linked below (requires login with JCU Net ID):
OneDrive - Access private files anywhere (sharepoint.com)
OneDrive - Sharing files & folders (sharepoint.com)
As for YouTube, you can create a Google account with your JCU email address and you can use it as a YT account, too. Or, if you already have one, you can use that one. You can then upload the video there and share the link.