I received a message on Moodle about duplicate copies of Turnitin assignments

"Duplicate copies of the same Turnitin assignments were found, duplicates occur when one or more Moodle Direct assignment is connected to the same one Turnitin assignment via the Turnitin API. This is known to cause issues, most notably submissions made to one of the duplicates will show up in the submission inbox of the others. To fix this you should either delete the duplicate assignments or reset the course where the duplicate assignments are.
The following duplicates were found:"


This message is triggered by the re-use of a Turnitin assignment on a new Moodle course (such as when importing from a previous course).

The best course of actions seems to be deleting the assignment and creating a new one from scratch. Alternatively, you can duplicate the imported assignment, then delete the previous version.

Both ways, the new assignment will not refer to an existing one on Turnitin.

  • Last Updated Jun 20, 2024
  • Views 131
  • Answered By Manlio Perugini

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