Can you help me download data from Bloomberg?
In order to download data in Excel from Bloomberg you first have to integrate the Bloomberg Terminal and Excel by installing the Excel add-in on the Terminal you are using. It is a simple process, but you have to do it yourself because the add-in is installed to your profile and not on the computer itself. In theory you should only have to install the add-in once while logged in with your account, but if the add-in doesn’t show up, you can simply follow these installation instructions again.
- Click on START
- Select Bloomberg in the list of programs
- Click on Install Office Add-Ins
- Click on Install to start the installation process
- After having verified that the installation is applied to your profile, click on OK
- When prompted after the installation, click on Close
- When you start Excel, Bloomberg now should appear as an Excel ribbon heading in your spreadsheet. If you started Excel before the installation and the Bloomberg heading does not appear, close Excel and reopen it.