Where do I find the permanent URL of an article?

I created a bibliography of all the articles I needed and I tried to look up those articles with the URLs, but nothing shows up. Most of the articles I had found were on Nexis Uni, but now I don't seem able to trace them back.


When you create your bibliographies and copy the URL from the database, using the one you find at the top in the address bar is usually the wrong choice because it refers to the actual session and not the permanent and stable link that will direct you to the article you have chosen.

In NexisUni, for example, the permanent link to the articles can be found in the Actions menu within the article display.

Permanent link


However, this permanent link might not be able from off campus, so my suggestion is to search the exact title in Nexis, or using our E-Resources A to Z tool and launch a search by article. There you will have to enter the exact title of the article and the journal/publication title.

A to Z

Another permanent address for an electronic resource is the DOI (Digital object identifier), which is often found in databases and is ALWAYS preferred as a permanent link for an article for a bibliography or to identify a resource. 

  • Last Updated Jul 03, 2024
  • Views 67
  • Answered By Livia Piotto

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  1. If you are doing research at home this is a good option because by clicking on View Full Text you will be prompted to authenticate yourself as JCU student. In some cases, the link might not work but it will redirect you to the database that you need (Nexis Uni for the example), but the tool will allow you to find the right platform even if you do not remember the exact database from which you have retrieved the article in the first place. Moreover, if you are doing an exact title search in Nexis, make sure you do not include the word “ARTICLE” that you have in most of the entries that you cannot retrieve. That is, indeed, just a descriptive label of the type of source you have (article, commentary, analysis, etc.) and should not be included as part of the title in your citation. If you still cannot find the articles, make sure you use the filters on the left side of the screen. First of all, you have to select Law Reviews and Journals, in order to make sure you are restricting your search to the appropriate type of content. Then, if you still cannot retrieve the article, you can use the Search Within Results box and include, for example, the name of the author.
    by Livia Piotto on Oct 18, 2021