Can I upload the PDF of a published work of mine to Moodle?
If the work is in the public domain (70 years after the death of the authors) or published under an open license (such as Creative Commons Licenses), the PDF can be uploaded. Otherwise, it depends on your contract with the publisher.
The contract might allow the sharing, for educational purposes within the university, of a pre-print, of a post-print, or of the publisher’s version. In this case, take care to share according to the particular terms of the contract.
Check to see whether your contract includes exclusivity clauses and/or forbids you from sharing potentially competing new and autonomous work before a certain period. If so, then the PDF cannot be uploaded before the end of such period.
If the contract does not include exclusivity clauses and/or does not forbid sharing potentially competing works, a different version (such as a pre-print or an adapted version) can be.