How can I pay a library fine online?


  1. Click on “Online Payment” at the bottom of JCU’s homepage and follow the log-in instructions.
  2. Choose “Custom amount”, type in the amount in Euros (if you are not a citizen or a permanent resident of either the USA or Canada) or its equivalent in US$ (if you are) 
  3. Write “Library fine” in the box which will open below.
  4. Click “Add to cart” and then “View cart”; if everything matches, click “Submit”.
  5. Check the agreement to Terms & Conditions, then click “Make payment” and follow the instructions from the bank.

Once the payment has been made, please send a screen capture or a pdf version of the receipt to, so we can clear your library account straight away.

If the fine has created a transcript hold, we will lift the hold as soon as possible (no later than the next morning if the payment is made after 2pm CET/CEST).


  • Last Updated Jun 26, 2024
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Paolo Livorati

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